Student Spotlight | Yana Patel

Heiry Pena & Ashley Sanchez

November 21, 2023

In this edition of The Port Light, we are shining the light on a very active student within the PCHS community, Yana Patel. This student is not only overachieving within her academics but also in community service as well! She has been volunteering in her community since 5th/6th grade and continues to shine being a part of various clubs such as National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Student Council, The Port Light, and many other clubs. The Port Light conducted an interview on this overachieving student in a variety of topics such as her upcoming future plans and the IB diploma. 

What colleges are you considering? Do you have a major in mind?

 My dream school is definitely Cornell University, but I’m also considering Syracuse, American, UAlbany, Northeastern, and St. Johns. I plan on majoring in political science, maybe with a double major in economics if the college I attend allows it. I additionally  plan on minoring in Pre-Law or anything similar to that.

What Sparked your interest in this major?

As an IB candidate, I examine things on a more global scale and I know a political science major would do the same. I like the idea of studying power and politics, not only within the United States but in other countries as well. Being able to compare and contrast the different ideologies, policies, and processes when deciding laws, strategies, and war between multiple countries has always interested me. As for economics, I’ve always been good with numbers so that plays a factor in it. I also like how the major helps people understand the world around them when deciding the limitations in resources. This also ties in with the reasoning I want to major in political science. 

What are some activities you’ve done that tie into your interest?

 I did a summer program at Georgetown University for forensic science, The Student Inside Albany program in May, and an internship at the courtroom. 

Georgetown: I stayed there for two weeks and I enjoyed making new friends that I still keep in touch with. I was able to go inside this one site where they take all the vehicles that have been involved in a crime scene and examine them, so I got a really close insight of that. I also got to meet different detectives and retired FBI agents.

For SIA: I met many politicians like the senators and congressmen/women. I also got to see the capital and assembly rooms, and I even sat in two lobbying meetings which was really cool, as I got an insight of what goes on during those meetings. I made new friends, even though it was a short program I really liked how I got an insight into the NY state  government.

Internship: It was an incredible internship at the Rye Town Court Room for me. So I was able to sit in the courtroom to watch trials and hear these cases. The cases varied between criminal, corporate, buildings, tickets, and more. I think my favorite would have to be the criminal ones because they were the most interesting and funniest ones to sit through. I got to sit on the podium where the judges were. I really enjoyed seeing the DA arguing with the lawyers sometimes. Then after court ended I would help file case folders and other stuff. I also got to ride in a cop car and we went around town. I just broadened my connection with lawyers and got to meet other interns that were there as well.

What’s one of your goals?

 For right now my short-term goal is to enjoy my senior year and get into a good college. My long-term goal for the future would be to attend law school to become a lawyer, and then maybe work myself up to the position of being a judge, or doing something in politics, or even within the United Nations. 

What classes do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy a lot of my classes, but I think the one I enjoy the most is French. Madame always has some interesting facts that she shares to the class whenever she learns something new. Plus I enjoy learning another language aside from the ones I already know. Another class I enjoy is film because of the advanced equipment and cameras this class allows you to use and learn. I also like the fact that we get to watch films from different countries as well and see the difference within their filming techniques to others. 

What hobbies do you enjoy? 

The top hobby that I definitely enjoy is sleeping in. Besides that I really like to read different books, specifically in the genre of romance or mystery. 

What clubs are you a part of?

NHS and NEHS: President

Senior Class: Vice President

Debate: Vice President

Newspaper: Social Media Manager, Senior Editor, Writer

Model UN

Mu Alpha Theta

What do you like about the IB diploma program?

Something I appreciate about IB is that it pushes your thinking skills. Most of the time you look at things from a surface level, but these classes make you consider for a deeper understanding and cause you to question things more. They allow you to expand your knowledge and limited perspective to a broader view. Like in history you’re supposed to “question the question.” Besides that I really do like how it makes me look at things in the world more differently than I would’ve originally.  

As an IB diploma candidate how are you able to manage your time efficiently?

 Funny thing is I really don’t know how I even manage my time efficiently. I’ve been procrastinating lately, but I still manage to get things turned in on time. I think having the mindset that you have stuff to turn in soon motivates me to work and try my best on the assignment. I end up splitting up my work into parts like what’s due soon and what assignments can wait that are due later on. 

How do you feel about it being your final year as a PCHS senior?

I feel a mixture of emotions towards it being my final year of high school. I’m relieved that It’s my final year and I get to go to college, but I’m also wistful that it’s my last year at Port Chester High School and I no longer will be attending school with all my friends. When I leave for college it’s like a whole new cycle of making new friends, exploring a whole new campus, and basically everything will be new to me. I’m excited for the new experience yet melancholic as well. 

Any advice for PCHS students?

 Just try your best in your classes and don’t stress yourself a lot over your grades because they don’t define you as a person. Enjoy high school because those 4 years really go by fast.

Any advice for Future IB diploma candidates at PCHS?

The main advice would be to be on top of your work. It’s a lot but if you know how to manage it then you will be fine just enjoy the classes cause some of them are actually fun.

The many accomplishments that Yana has been able to achieve is incredible. It is always important to pursue what you are passionate about just like how Yana has because it can lead into what you want to pursue in the future. The advice she gives is important to keep in mind because if you stress yourself out or give yourself too much work, it doesn’t let you enjoy high school.

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