PCHS Sprit Week

Angela Olivera, Journalist

November 7, 2023

From October 16th to 20th, Port Chester High School held its annual spirit week in which students can show their school spirit by dressing up in themed spirit wear.  This year’s themes included jersey day, culture day, dynamic duo day, color wars, and PC blue and white day. As an addition to this year’s spirit week, PCHS held its first pep rally in the new gymnasium to honor the school’s varsity sports teams, athletes, and student council members. In past years, the pep rally had been held outside in the football stadium. This year’s new and improved pep rally put together by the Ram Nation club and Mr. Kravitz motivated and excited students for the homecoming football game.

The Pep Rally, led by MC, Mr. Kravitz, had many events to get the students involved and keep them engaged. Students sat in the bleachers and on the floor separated by grade. Students decked out in their color wars gear created seas of green, red, purple, and pink. The event began with a cheering competition between classes and by introducing this year’s elected student council leaders. Next, the varsity teams came running in where each member and captain was announced for their respective team.  Afterwards, a tug of war tournament was held. . The competition began with  freshmen against sophomores and juniors against seniors. The juniors battled their way through and won it all after defeating the staff in an embarrassingly short amount of time. 

Spirit Week had a new goal: allowing students to be creative. Students were rewarded with extra credit from certain classes if they participated in each day’s theme. That week began with jersey day, where students can dress up in a jersey of their favorite sports team. On Tuesday, it was culture day: students would dress up according to their culture. Many students came in with flags on their backs and face paint in their country’s colors. On Wednesday, the school had a dynamic duo day.Some students came to school dressed as their favorite characters, while others dressed in similar colors. Towards the end of the week, the school had color wars and blue and white day.. This year’s color wars assigned freshmen to green, sophomores to  red, juniors to  purple, and seniors to  pink. On Wednesday night, students in each grade were invited to stay after school to decorate their respective hallway in their assigned color. ,. This was a new opportunity given to students and it helped very much to increase school spirit. When the rest of the student population walked in on Thursday morning, the hallways looked vivid and colorful. Many staff members enjoyed walking through the hallways and seeing what students designed . Blue and white day was slightly similar, where students came dressed in the school’s colors, blue and white. It was a way to show support to our school.

These events have a positive impact on the students and staff; helping them to be more excited and prideful when attending school.

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