Opinion | Aliens? Real or Hollywood Creation?

Bertrand Arana-Moreau, Journalist

November 7, 2023

Some people have different opinions towards different topics in the world. Religion, sports, and more diverse topics are involved in the division of people based on what they believe or enjoy. The myth of aliens is also included in this conversation. Some people believe that aliens exist while some believe they do not. Whether aliens exist or not, many people have their reasons, extravagant or not as to what they believe is the truth. 

People that believe aliens exist are sure that extraterrestrial life does exist and could be found. According to Space.com, aliens or any life beyond earth should’ve already visited Earth. Many other theories can be inferred by people with similar beliefs. Micheal Hart, for instance, believes that intelligent aliens do exist, and he argues that these beings have already visited Earth at some point. The lack of presence of these beings has changed the thought of Hart, which encouraged him to create four different explanations based on why he thinks the aliens aren’t visiting our planet. Reported on Space.com “Fermi Paradox: Where are the aliens?”, his explanations are:

  1. “Aliens couldn’t visit because of a difficulty that makes it impossible to travel in space.”
  2. “Aliens decided that they don’t want to visit us.”
  3. “Aliens have visited us, we just never recorded their presence.”
  4. “Advanced civilizations beyond Earth arose too recently for aliens to reach us.”

With people believing that aliens really exist, there has to be a side that believes the opposite. The one thing that is going for the people that don’t believe in aliens is that there isn’t substantial evidence to support the side of the extraterrestrial believers. With no evidence, the non-believers can create their own reasons for aliens not being real.

Columns reflect the opinions of the writer and are not necessarily those of The Port Light or other organizations in which the writer may be involved.

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